Tarleton Community Primary School

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values & ethos


Mission Statement

At Tarleton Community Primary School our core principle is that all children leave our school ready for the wider world.  With this in mind, we recognise that our children need to achieve success, believe in themselves and have the skills and knowledge to create their own futures. We strive to provide our learners with the experiences, skills and values in a friendly community-focused environment, where we find and nurture the extraordinary in each and every child, so that they are resilient, confident and happy.




At Tarleton Community we strive to ensure that our children leave us ready for the world; and when we say ready for the world we mean that holistically so that they:



Reach their academic potential.



Have self-belief, confidence, be reflective and have the skills needed to be decent human beings.



Have had the opportunities to be creative and develop their creative skills.