Tarleton Community Primary School

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our curriculum

We believe an exciting and engaging curriculum is one of the key foundations of any successful school as we want our learners to be highly motivated as we feed that thirst for knowledge and of course provide the opportunities to develop existing skills and discover new ones. Click the links below to view the Long Term Planning, Progression and Skills and Curriculum Intent for our Foundation Subjects.  Each curriculum block has a legend attached to it.  Our legends are important people linked to that theme who are from diverse backgrounds to inspire and motivate our pupils.

Our curriculum drivers sit right at the heart of the curriculum and have been agreed by stakeholders as key areas of importance for our pupils.

Our curriculum drivers are: 'Digitally safe and savvy', 'Active Lifestyles', Equality and Diversity', 'Community', 'The Arts' and 'The Environment'.


 Reception Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 TT Long Term Plan Cycle A.pdfDownload
 TT Long Term Plan Cycle B.pdfDownload
 Y1-6 Curriculum Overview 2024-25.pdfDownload
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Curriculum Guides for Parents 

The downloadable guides below provide an in-depth look at the Kapow Curriculum.

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Find out more about the curriculum our children will be learning in each foundation subject and the skills they will focus on by clicking on the buttons below.



 Art & Design Progression of Skills & Knowledge.pdfDownload
 Art Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdfDownload
 Art Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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 DT Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdfDownload
 DT Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 DT Progression of Skills & Knowledge.pdfDownload
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 Geog Progression of Skills & Knowledge.pdfDownload
 Geography Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdfDownload
 Geography Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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 History - Key skills and knowledge by unit.pdfDownload
 History Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdfDownload
 History Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
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 Music Intent, implementation and impact statement.pdfDownload
 Music Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Music Progression of Skills & Knowledge.pdfDownload
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 Science Intent, implementation and intent statement.pdfDownload
 Science Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Science Progression of Skills, Knowledge & Vocabulary.pdfDownload
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 Curriculum Expectations for PE.pdfDownload
 end of KS1 and ks2 expectations.pdfDownload
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Computing Overviews Y1-6

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 French Intent Implementation and Impact statement.pdfDownload
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Click here for the parent guide which explains what children will learn, term-by-term and the knowledge and skills that they will develop.

 M_Religious-Education-Three-I_s-03.09.24 (1).pdfDownload
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As a No Outsider's school, we consider Religious Education to be highly important to our children in developing their understanding of other people and their beliefs and promoting fundamental British Values.  We strongly discourage parents exercising their right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.  However, should you wish to do so, please make an appointment to discuss this with Mr. Upton (headteacher) in the first instance.

 Click here to view our Accessibility Plan which sets out, over time, how disabled pupils participate in the curriculum.

If you have any questions with regards to the curriculum we teach, please contact school.
Should you require a paper copy of our policies and documents please contact the school office.

Why not enter our Learning Zone? Here you will find a wide range of sites to explore to help you with your child's learning.

For further information about The National Curriculum click here.

You can also download a free pocket version app of the 2014 Primary National Curriculum.