Tiny Treasures
Hello everyone and welcome to Tiny Treasures! We are a the youngest in the school. we are inquistative, eager to learn and full of energy!
We follow 6 themes throughout the year that reflect the seasonal changes along with topics to introduce the children about the world around them. we do this by creating an immersive enviroment in which the children learn through exploring and doing.
To see Tiny Treasures longterm overview of learning plese go to the early years page where these can be downloaded.
The childrens learning is supported by Mrs Veevers, Miss Blundell, Miss Latham, Mrs Cross and Miss Thompson
We do P.E. on a Tuesday Morning so children need to come to school in their full P.E. kits on this day.
Forest school will take place on a Thursday Morning - a letter will be sent out informing you of what your child needs.
To see more of our learning journey, please visit our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/Tarleton-Community-Primary-School)
To keep in touch with your child’s teacher please use Class Dojo. Bear in mind that Dojo is monitored between the hours of 8:40am and 3:40am each day but during this time teachers will be teaching and not always able to respond instantly. Outside of these hours the Class Dojo inbox will not be monitored. For urgent communications please ring the school office.
Please ensure that all communication with staff is respectful and appropriate. We do not tolerate the use of abusive language or tone with our staff. Failure to comply with this will result in a ban from Class Dojo.